Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Web 2.0 Site

Mindmeister- concept map like Inspiration, but it has many more features such as slideshow
Spiderscribe- concept map where you can insert locations and images; used for business more than teaching simple concept map similar to Inspiration; easy for kids to use Site where you can post notes, calendars, word documents, and much more; there is also an app for iPhone, iPad, and Android that you can download; this would be a good website for students to do group activities
Photobucket- combination of Instagram and Pinterest; you can upload all of your photos and videos. and people can like and comment; you can also see what is trending
Quinturakids- search engine for kids; has potential but needs improvement; K4- 3rd grade
Duckduckgo- kid friendly search engine like google; has a filter bubble
Gogooligans- safe search site for kids and teens; educational/ academic search engine
Padlet- blank wall where students can post questions and leave sticky notes; allows you to post on blog
Text2mindmap- concept map similar to the others; doesn't work as well as the others but is free
Stormboard- you can create different boards and add questions and comments; you can also vote on which questions you like
Kidtopia- kid friendly search engine developed by a school library; safe for kids so that they don't stumble upon inappropriate material
*Instagrok- mixture of a concept map and search engine; gives key facts, videos, images, and concepts related to the subject; you can adjust the difficulty level at the top of the pag; there is also a journal and quiz area for students; very cool and interesting website to use in the classroom
Slimekids- search engine/directory for kids; has useful information such as book trailers, book reviews, games, and author information
Wikisummarizer- search engine that gives you and summary and ample information; you can also edit information in a text box
Pearltrees- website similar to pinterest where you can organize and share things that you like on the web; also a concept map
Netvibes- dashboard intelligence platform; you can collect all of your thoughts in one place; gives summary of website and allows you to connect to the website
*Glogster- you can create online posterboards, assignments, and history timelines; you can add images, videos, and audios
Audacity- free audio editor and recorder; you can record music, speeches, etc; one of the best recording websites; can use this in the classroom by having students record educational songs or speeches
*Wordpress- this is a blog website similar to blogger where you can create, share, and reblog posts
Vimeo- video sharing website similar to youtube; you can upload and share videos
Evernote- website where you can search words from documents; good for taking notes
Compfight- free website where you can search for images
Diigo- website where you can store bookmarks, highlights, sticky notes, and any other information that you find
Blabberize- website where you can create an image and make it speak; similar to voki, but you can choose your own picture on blabberize
Easelly- website where you can create and share visual ideas; teachers can use this for meetings or to show ideas to students in the classroom
Animoto- cloud based video creation service that produces videos; you can change the theme, style, and add pictures and songs
Bookbuilder-webiste where you can create, share, publish, and read digital books; good website for kids and teachers
Weebly- place where you can make your own website; you can add audio, videos, images, slideshows, and more
Storyboardgenerator- Austrailian website where you can create storyboards and share them with friends; you can also search for different stories, videos, and education themes
Tagul- website similar to wordle; allows you to create word clouds
*Edmodo- seems like facebook for teachers that connects all learners with people and resources needed to reach their full potential; has different categories like Facebook; very useful website for educators
*Socrative- very interesting website where teachers can create quizes, tests, and more; lets you see which students answered correctly
Podbean- similar to iTunes; you can listen to podcasts and even create your own; you can make money off of this website by selling your content
Pixton- website where you can make comic strips; you can choose characters and make them interact with each other
iCloud- cloud storage that can store documents, music, photos, apps, and much more free website where you can create charts, graphs, and much more

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