Monday, December 2, 2013

Kids Can't Compute

This article discusses how far technology has come since back in the day. When computers first came out, so much had to be done in order to simply save a file. Apps were never used to help with papers; they were simply written out then typed. Programs had to be memorized in order to find saved files, and many steps had to be completed in order to accomplish anything on a computer. Children today do not have to worry about any of this because they already have it done for them. With today's advanced computer systems, all you have to do it click save and you are done. Computer skills are no longer necessary to operate programs. The article suggests that with a decrease in knowledge, kids are less likely to comprehend how anything on the internet will remain there forever even if you delete it. The article also suggests that students should be able to build their own computer by the time they graduate high school. The high school I attended did focus much on computer skills, and I barely knew how to type when I graduated. I had to teach myself how to do these things because my computer teachers simply did not care to teach. I think that computer skills are vital to have before students enter college. I struggled my Freshman year of college because I had to type papers like crazy and had no idea what I was doing. However, my friends that attended different high schools had been taught these things and had to teach me. Children today need to know how to use computer programs in order to be prepared for college. All of this starts with teachers, and teachers who care about their students' success, are the only ones who should be allowed to teach.

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