Tuesday, August 27, 2013

How Teachers Are Integrating Tech Common Core

Fred Sitkins, Elementary School Principle in Michigan, explains how teachers are integrating tech common core. Schools all around the world are straying from using traditional educational models and beginning to incorporate more technology. Sitkins explains how students are able to dig much deeper and learn more with devices such as iPads and iTunes U. He believes that adopting this new common core allows teachers to “focus on teaching students how to learn opposed to remembering”.

I believe that this article provides great insight about integrating tech common core. I also believe that this is the perfect time to adopt the Common Core State Standards. With devices such as iPads, for examples, students can expand their learning far beyond the classroom. However, some negative aspects to this could be students becoming distracted and logging on to social media websites. The positive outweighs the negative, in my opinion, and I am excited for what the future holds concerning the Common Core State Standards. 

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