Wednesday, September 11, 2013

John Hunter and the World Peace Game

An extraordinary educator, John Hunter, has dedicated his life to helping children realize their full potential. Hunter is the inventor of the World Peace Game, a hands-on political simulation. At his first job interview, he asked the superintendent what he was supposed to do. The superintendent replied with, “what do you want to do?” This gave him the freedom to do whatever he felt would best benefit his students. The World Peace Game started out on a 4x5 piece of plywood in 1978. Hunter had his fourth grade students solve the problems of the world. This game had the students so engaged and interested in what was going on all around the world. John Hunter is such an amazing inspiration to me as a future educator. He is changing the lives of these students, and he is doing it in a remarkable way. Whenever I was in the fourth grade, I knew nothing about other parts of the world. My world consisted of school, church, and my life at home. The fact that these children are learning about the problems of the world and solving them is amazing. Teachers should be able to teach material that students are actually interested in so that they will have a desire to learn. Most teachers today simply lecture and ask the students to take notes, but students want more than this. Interactive and hands-on activities really benefit students this young and allow them to think and learn better. John Hunter's invention of the World Peace Game has definitely been an inspiration to many including myself, and I hope that he will continue to inspire future educators all over the world.

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