Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Safe Practices for Life Online

1. Facebook, Twitter, and Linked in
2. I found an article on CBS about cyber bullying. A Southbridge student was expelled for cyber bullying his English teacher. Because of this incident, the student had serious consequences that will effect his future.
3. Sexting- sending sexual messages or pictures
cramming- trying to finish everything in a short amount of time
cookies- small piece of data stored on computers
trojan horse- a hacking program
phishing- trying to acquire information such as usernames or passwords
spyware- a software that helps gather information
rootkit- a stealthy type of software
zombie-a computer that has been connected to the internet and compromised by a hacker
4. These screen names are poor choices becasue they are extremely unprofessional as well as inappropriate.
5. Someone might harrass students with such screen names because they draw attention and make it obvious that the person who chose the screen name is young and naive.
6.These screen names reveal too much information about the users because their names are included.
7. i8sushi2- not professional
Soccerstar- good for a child, doesn't reveal personal information
Puppygirl1234- shouldn't have numbers in numerical sequence
Keke1995-too much personal info
Bookworm-good for a child. not too personal
CapitlOfens- confusing
BellaIsabella-reveals name
DarkAngel666- very unprofessional and number is not okay
Karla-Love-1996- reveals name and date
gUn4hiRe-very unprofessional
babyfaceLA-target for harrassment
Watup?-same ^^^
8. LA_290
9. My score was a 2, I need to pick stronger passwords and screen names
10. One of the main reasons that students' passwords are hacked each year is because students share their password with their friends. This means that they can also share it with anyone.
Many think that the main reason passwords get hacked is because someone saw their password being typed in, but this isn't true.
11. I learned that ads that lead to computer viruses can be on ANY website. I have never had to deal with a virus on my computer, but I now know that there are visual signs to look for in an infected computer.I also learned that mal-ware is a software that is intended to damage or disable computer systems. This can download random junk onto your computer. Anyone can get a virus on this computer, and I think that people need to be more mindful of what they click on and what websites they view while on the internet.
12. Are you protecting your identity? Medium Risk
Are you an unwitting accomplice in a crime? Low Risk
 Authentic or Counterfeit? Low Risk
13.Beta Bot mal-ware blocks users anti-virus programs. This article made me feel a little unsafe because if my computer were to get hacked, I would be in a big mess. I use my computer for almost everything, and I want to make sure that it is safe and protected. 

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