Monday, September 30, 2013

Concept Map- Pumpkin Time!

Pumpkin Time
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.1.4 Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses. 
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.1.7 Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events.

Each student will have a bag of roasted pumpkin seeds for them to snack on in the "story corner". Each bag will have easy directions for making roasted pumpkin seeds that the students can take home with them to make with their parents. I will read "It's Pumpkin Time" by Zoe Hall and show the class the pictures in the book as I read them the story.
A.   Students will gather in the story corner to listen to the story.
1.   Each student will have a bag of roasted pumpkin seeds to snack on during the story.
B.   I will read "It's Pumpkin Time" by Zoe Hall.
II.       Illustrate the story!
After story time, the students will go back to their desks and draw three pictures to illustrate the beginning, middle, and end of the story. There will be a chart in the classroom entitled, "It's Pumpkin Time!"with three columns that say First, Then, and Finally. Each student will hang their picture for the beginning, middle, and end of the story under the appropriate column to illustrate what happened in the story. 
A.   Students will illustrate what happened in the story.
B.   Students will hang their finished illustrations in the appropriate place on the story chart. 
       1. The story chart will be called "It's Pumpkin Time" and will have 3 columns: first, then, and finally. Students will hang their pictures under the appropriate column so that their pictures retell what happened in the story. 
III.      Mini Pumpkin Senses 
          I will have miniature pumpkins for each student to observe and think about how the pumpkins appeal to their five senses: taste, touch, sight, smell, and sound. I will ask for volunteers to describe the pumpkin's taste (pumpkin seeds), texture, smell, sound, and the way it looks. I will make a chart on the board for the 5 senses and write down the student's description under the appropriate column.
A.    Students will observe miniature pumpkins and think about how they appeal to the 5 senses. 
B.    Students will volunteer to help me fill in the chart on the board. 

IV. Painting with Pumpkins!
Once the students have a good understanding of how their pumpkins appeal to their 5 senses, they can decorate their pumpkins with paint. They may paint faces, their names, or anything they'd like on their pumpkins! At the end of the week, the students may take their decorated pumpkins home.
A.   Students will use paint to decorate their miniature pumpkins.
B.   At the end of the week, they may take their painted pumpkins home!
V.       Story sheet
Students will make up their own stories about pumpkins and write them out on the worksheet. After they have written their stories, they can color their pumpkins. When they are finished, students will hang their pumpkin stories in the "Pumpkin Patch" on the front door of the classroom.
A.   Students will come up with their very own pumpkin story.
B.   After they have written and colored their story, students may hang them in the "Pumpkin Patch"


  1. I really like your pumpkin idea especially since it is fall and close to Halloween time because it will spark your students' interests and keep them involved because pretty much all kids love Halloween. I know I do!

  2. This is a VERY cute, fun idea for first graders!! It is very hands-on and interactive. I remember visiting pumpkin patch farms when I was in elementary school. Hopefully if you are ever able to teach this lesson, your school will allow you to take your students on a field trip to a pumpkin patch! Great job!!

  3. I think your concept map is cute, though it is a little hard to read. I like the activities that you used during the lesson. I also like hanging their own story in the "pumpkin patch".

  4. I like how you allowed food within your lesson. This is a great way to grasp the interest of your students.

  5. Making their own seeds sounds like a fun thing for them to do. Having them make pictures of the story will help them see the beginning middle and end. This is a good lesson plan.

  6. Your activity is very appropriate for 1st grade. I think the incorporation of the snack really captures their attention.

  7. So cool!!! The illustration exercise teaches sequence of events! That's really neat! It all flows together really well! Good job!

  8. I thought this lesson was very cute! It taught implemented two different standards and flowed very well. I liked that you had the students illustrate each part of the story and then make a chart. This lesson also did a good job of including the parents. Just make sure you have no allergies to pumpkin seeds!

  9. The pumpkin patch is a great activity and it really brings the holiday alive. Your students will really enjoy this lesson. Great job!

  10. I love the pumpkin seeds! And sending the directions home with their parents! The miniature pumpkin idea for the five senses is a great idea. Decorating the pumpkin is a great idea for creativity. I love decorating the front door of the classroom idea!! I've never thought of that before but it's very creative!

  11. I love your topic! Perfect for a fall lesson plan! Great idea for a roasted pumpkin seed snack and having the directions for them to take home! The story chart will help the students understand the beginning, middle, and end of the story!

  12. Very cute theme for this time of year! Good idea of taking the pumpkin seeds home. This is a good way of getting parents involved.

  13. I like that you are involving all of their senses, including taste. I think the students would really enjoy this!

  14. I like how you used hands on activities for the students and how you incorporate your theme in all of your activities.

  15. love the pumpkin theme for fall!

  16. The pumpkin theme goes great with the fall season. The activities are all interactive and fun. I also like the pumpkin sensory activity. It exposes your students who have or have not already seen a pumpkin. Great Job!

  17. I really like how you tied a full theme in to your concept map, the pumpkins are really cute. It's a really cool idea to let them eat pumpkin seeds. I really like the activities that you included for your studnets, but I think you might need maybe one more "worksheet" type project.

  18. Seems like really good idea for activities. These activities seem to allow the students to think and express themselves freely.

  19. I think anytime you incorporate food with an activity everyone is happy. :) Food is always a good thing to use when teaching the 5 senses. Good Job Lauren!

  20. Good job navigating with the ipad.
    Cute theme ideas.
    Senses activity with the pumpkin is a good idea.
    Decorating pumpkins is good, but pumpkins can go bad pretty fast if they carve them.
    Not a lot of technology based activities.
    Watch video that goes along with the book or something to do with pumpkins

  21. I really liked the theme you chose for your lesson plan. I think the pumpkin seeds are a great idea for the kids. You used a lot of interactive activities for the kids; however, a video may help those students who learn visually.
