Wednesday, October 9, 2013

21st Century Skills

President of the 21st Century Skills, Ken Kay, discusses how important 21st century skills are in the classroom. He believes that students would be more successful by learning these skills, and they should be taught the skills of creativity, problem solving, and critical thinking. With 21st century skills, Kay says that students will be prepared to "think, learn, work, solve problems, communicate, and contribute effectively throughout their lives". Arizona, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, South Dakota, West Virginia, and Wisconsin have already started implementing this program. 

I certainly agree that 21st century skills are extremely important and should be taught in today's classrooms. In my opinion, these skills are more vital for success than what is currently being taught in classrooms. If these 21st century skills could be combined with what is already being taught, students would certainly benefit. The Common Core Standards have already been introduced, but I think that 21st century skills should be a higher priority. Most of what students learn in school isn't going to help them in the real world, and a great deal of what they are taught will quickly be forgotten. However, if students were taught 21st century skills, they could carry these skills with them for the rest of their lives.  I definitely think that these skills are vital for success and should be taught in today's classrooms. 

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