Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Bullying is an issue in schools all across the worlds. Most bullying takes place during the school day, and most victims remain silent. Although classmates know that bullying is wrong, they do nothing about it because they aren't the ones being victimized. It broke my heart to watch the victims being bullied when we watched "Bully" in class. I witnessed a lot of bullying in high school, and nothing was ever done about it. Teachers would act like they were oblivious to what was going on when they were actually just too lazy to take an action. At my high school, students were not only verbally abused; they were physically abused as well. It truly is heartbreaking to know that bullying often results in suicidal thoughts and sometimes even results in suicide. Bullying may never truly stop, but teachers can help a lot with this issue. When I was in the tenth grade, I witnessed a special student being verbally abused right in front of the teacher's desk. This teacher not only sat there and did nothing; she laughed at the student being bullied. This is not okay, and teachers like this should not even be teachers. As a future educator, I will make it a top priority to get to know everything I can about my students. Many students have a terrible home life and come to school as a way to escape. When these students get bullied when they come to school, they have no where else to turn. Bullying is something that should not be taken lightly, and there should be serious consequences for these people.

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